Additional Resources
EMF – Resources
Health Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation
The BioInitiative Report
3000+ studies referenced, over 29 authors, calling for significantly lower radiation limits. “A Rationale for Biologically Based Exposure Standards for Low-Intensity Electromagnetic Radiation”
Environmental Health Trust
A comprehensive website to investigate. Their Science section has an abundance of information on the research of wireless and its effects on health.
IGNIR is a set of guidelines for electromagnetic exposure based on EUROPAEM EMF Guidelines 2016. Their mission is to facilitate healthier environments through compliance with low levels of electrosmog.
Biological Effects and Health Hazards of Microwave Radiation
This 350-page document is the result of a symposium (convened by WHO, among others), held in Warsaw on 15-18 October 1973, with the participation of 60 researchers specializing in the biological effects of microwaves on humans.
NTP Study on Cell Phone Radiation and Cancer 2018
The National Toxicology Program Study on Cell Phone Radiation and Cancer, took almost 2 decades to complete and cost $30 million dollars. It found significant DNA damage, increased tumour growth in the hearts, brains and adrenal glands of mice, and other biological effects from cell phone exposure.
Website of Dr. Magda Havas, PhD
The website of Magda Havas, PhD, a leading reseracher on the health effects of EMFs. She is based out of Trent University in Canada. Lots of good information and reserach to browse through here.
GreenMedInfo’s EMF Database
This is a compilation of scientific research articles, consisting of over 1000, which demonstrate biological harm from EMF’s.
FCC Trial 2021 – Massive Scientific Evidence Compilation
Environmental Health Trust (and others) put together this compilation of scientific evidence of harm from EMFs. This was used in the federal court vicotry against the FCC on August 13, 2021. It was determined our wireless expsoure standards are unsafe and do not follow scietific evidence in their determinations.
Physicians for Safe Technology
“A group of physicians and health professionals whose mission is to provide trusted leadership in promoting healthy and safe environments through the safer use of technology at home, in schools, in the workplace, in healthcare settings and in communities.”
EMF Related Initiatives
The Baby Safe Project
A joint initiative between two non-profit health organizations (Grassroots Environmental Education & Environmental Health Trust). Their goal, as physicians, scientists and educators, is to increase the education about the risks that wireless radiation poses to pregnancy and to urge pregnant women to limit their exposures.
2020 Non-Ionising Radiation Consensus Statement
2020 Consensus Statement on UK and International Medical and Scientific Experts and Practiitioners on Health Effects of Non-Ionising Radiation (NIR). This statement clarifies the medical community’s serious concerns surrounding the deployment of 5G and the continued use of RFR (Radio Frequency Radiation) in public spaces.
We Are The Evidence: Wireless Technology Injured Advocacy Group
Their mission is to, “expose the suppressed epidemic of sickness, suffering and humans rights crisis created by wireless technology radiation.” On the site you’ll find research links and current news related to the issue of wireless radiation and health. There is good information on what ES (electrical sensitivity) is and a number of stories, many ongoing in court, detailing how debilitating this sickness can be.
The 5G Appeal
As of October 2020, 407 scientists and medical doctors have signed the appeal. The 5G Appeal was prepared in 2017 by scientists and doctors who are urgently calling for the EU to halt the rollout of 5G due to serious potential health effects.
Scientists for Wired Technology
Advocacy based on Scientists’ research of the hazards of pulsed, data-modulated, Radiofrequency Microwave Radiation.
International Appeal: Stop 5G on Earth and in Space
An emergency appeal to the world’s governments by scientists, doctors, environmentals organizations and others.
The International EMF Scientist Appeal
A credible and influential voice from over 250 EMF (electromagnetic field) scientists who are urgently calling upon the United Nations and its sub-organizations, the WHO and UNEP, and all U.N. Member States, for greater health protection on EMF exposure.
Electromagnetic Radiation Safety
Scientific and policy developments regarding the health effects of electromagnetic radiation expsoure from cell phones, cell towers, Wi-Fi, Smart Meters, and other wireless technology.
Tech Safe Schools
TechSafeSchool’s focus is simply the health, safety and well-being of all students in all schools. They offer useful resources to help realize this goal (science, mitigation, legal).
EMF Reduction Products
Safe Living Technologies
The top North American distributor for EMF detection and mitigation equipment. My go-to place for EMF meters and shielding equipment. Founded and run by one of the instructors from the Building Biology Institute. Excellent customer service! Use the coupon code ‘TheHealthierHome’ for a 5% discount, sitewide.
Less EMF
A large variety of products which can be used for EMF detection and protection. They have one of the largest selections of products on the market, including many unique products not available anywhere else. Based in the United States.
A website whose mission is to, “continually advance healthier electricity and electronics with innovative and proven products…” They offer many unique products which can be used in creating a healthier home.
JRS Eco Wireless
This company sells a type of wireless router that cuts your Radio Frequency field emissions quite a bit over a standard router. It is still using wireless, so not the optimal solution, however this can be a useful product for certain situations. These routers don’t transmit continually, like a standard router, they cut down on active transmission pulses and also switch to an emitting-free standby mode.
Aaronia Shielding Materials
There are a variety of well-made shielding fabrics from this company.
Note: Before using any type of shielding, measurement of the area before and after installation is a must. Shielding can often result in higher levels in certain areas as the movement of frequencies from multiple sources gets complex. Knowledge on how to use the meter is equally important as the meter itself.
No Choice Clothing
A collection of EMF reduction clothing, including hoodies, jogging pants, t-shirts and baby onesies.
Other Healthy Home Resources
Here is a broad list of resources which cover a variety of healthy home topics. Areas of focus include indoor air quality, water quality, and building materials.
Building Biology Institute
“The Science of Healthy Buildings” The Building Biology Institute is world-renowned in its science-based approach to healthy homes. A holistic view of how a building affects the health of their occupants is embraced, including toxic indoor air, tap-water pollutants and electromagnetic radiation.
Environmental Working Group’s Certified Products
The Environmental Working Group has an excellent website which helps to determine less-toxic prodcuts. From this link you will see products which meet EWG’s strictest criteria for safety, grouped into three categories: Personal Care, Cleaning Products and Baby Care. You can also visit their homepage to further explore their great resources.
HEAL: Health & Environment Alliance
The Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) is the leading European not-for-profit organization addressing how the natural and built enviornments affect health, specifically in the European Union. They have a vision of lives free of health-harming chemicals, clean air and health-promoting spaces to live in. Lots of great resources, especially related to toxic chemicals.
Toxic Home Transformation Summit
This is a free 7 day event which premiered in 2018, and is packed with great information. You can sign-up to view the entire event’s 45 interviews free for 7 days. There is a range of information covered from healthy building products, DIY green cleaning to growing your own food and using frequencies to heal. Well worth the time to explore these talks and see what resonates with you.
Surviving Mold
This website is a joint partnership between Dr. Shoemaker (a world leader in biotoxin related illnes) and one family whose journey led them to Shoemaker for healing and now to educating others on the topic. All too often the illness that is caused by exposure to a water-damaged building and the resulting mold, gets misdiagnosed. The chronic fatigue and inflammation through the body rarely gets attributed to environmental exposures. The goal of this website is to provide help for those who need it; information for those searching; and hope for those suffering.
Create Healthy Homes
This is Oram Miller’s website, a Building Biologist from California and one of the lead instructors at the Building Biology Institute in New Mexico. It is a wealth of information. Everything from education on electromagnetic frequencies themselves to a variety of detailed ways to improve your electromagnetic environment.
Allergy Buyers Club
Allergy Buyers Club offers reviews, specific product recommendations and information in helping people choose healthier home products. A key focus of theirs is helping people resolve and prevent allergy and asthmas triggers in their home. Product categories include: air purifiers, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, vacuum cleaners, bedding, among others.
Building Materials and Certification Programs
Green Building Supply
Browse through hundreds of less-toxic products, including flooring, paints & coatings, home goods, cleaners and others. Many are suitable for those with chemical sensitivities.
Green Seal
Green Seal is a non-profit organization that certifies products and services from a variety of companies and industries. They use different health and environmental criteria in their assessments including: Toxicity Limits, Indoor Air Quality, Chemicals of Concern, Waste Reduction, Manufacturing Processes and Water & Energy Usage.
Green Guard
Green Guard is a certification process which requires strict chemical emissions limits on products. They have 2 levels of certification, with Green Guard Gold having the strictest emission limits. You can search for certified products on their website.
Cradle To Cradle
Cradle to Cradle Certified is a certification process for products which look at the entire life cycle of a product and rewards an achievement level. Products are assessed in 5 categories (Material Health, Material Reutilization, Renewable Energy & Carbon Management, Water Stewardship and Social Fairness). They are awarded either Basic, Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum. A product’s lowest category achievement becomes their overal certification level. There is a searchable database for products.
AFM Safecoat
A company which creates high quality low-toxic paints, sealers and other building products. They are the go-to recommendation for sealers which can stop the off-gassing of other products beneath. They have been tested, with wide success, on many individuals with MCS (multiple chemical sensitivites).
An online database which helps you determine less toxic building materials. A free option to browse products and multiple pay options to analyze your entire supply chain, if needed.
Healthy Home Books
Prescriptions for a Healthy House, 3rd Edition: A Practical Guide for Builders, Architects and Home Owners – Paula Baker-Laporte, John C. Banta, Erica Elliott.
“From foundation to rooftop to home care and repair, Prescriptions for a Healthy House takes the mystery out of the healthy-house building, renovation, and maintenance, by walking the owner/architect/builder team through the entire construction process. The authors (an architect, medical doctor, and restoration consultant) bring a singular combination of expertise and perspectives to this book. There is much-specialized knowledge, and specific recommendations from several nationally recognized experts in the field of Building Biology.” An incredibly useful and informative book.

Countdown: How Our Modern World is Threatening Sperm Counts, Alterning Male and Female Reproductive Development, and Imperiling the Future of the Human Race
A book by Shanna Swan PhD, one of the leading environmental and reproductive epidemiologists in the world. This exhaustively researched book, shows how certain chemicals within our environment are wreaking havoc on our reproductive abilities.
In 2017, she co-authored a study on how sperm rates have dropped over 50%, in western countries, over the last 40 years – making headlines across the world. This book does a great job shedding light on this usse and providing advice on how to reduce our chemical exposures. A truly important read which is both deeply informative and easy to read.