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EMF Reduction Products
Here is a list of products which can be useful in creating a healthier electromagnetic space. Wired solutions are always preferred as they are healthier in terms of RF radiation. When choosing products, it’s important to understand your specific environment and goals, everyone’s situation is unique.

Ethernet Grounding Adapter Kit
This adapter kit can be used to ground a laptop or other portable devices, such as ethernet wired phones and tablets. It can also be used to ground long runs of ethernet cable from the router.
To use, connect this adapter to your router on one end and your device on the other, using shielded ethernet cords. Then simply plug the grounded plug into an outlet (with a properly working ground plug) and done!
As long as you’ve used shieleded ethernet cable (see below), and have a properly grounded oulet, you’ve elimnated electric fields coming from these wires.
Choose the “Ethernet Grounding Adapter Kit” from the link below.
Shielded Cords & Power Cables
Using a shielded cable will eliminate the AC Electric Fields that are emanating off these cords. Thse fields travel 6-8 feet into our environment and are absorbed by our bodies. This also means the “Dirty Electricity” or higher frequencies in these electric fields will be stopped too.
There are different options available from ElectraHealth. You can replace the power cords from your computer, use a shielded Power Strip and also shielded extension cords in a variety of lengths. These are useful anywhere that you spend a large amount of time, particularly the home office or bedroom areas.

Dirty Electricity Filters
Dirty Electicity is a term used for the higher range of frequencies which come off our powerlines and devices. There are two main types of filters which can help tone down those frequences. Stetziezer filters and Greenwave filters. They both deal with “dirty electricity” or MEP (microsure electrical pollution) but handle a different set of frquencies. Every situation is different, so there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Greenwave and Stetzer both offer meters for testing.
Greenwave Filters
Stetzer Filters

Outlet / Receptacle Tester
These devices will allow you to check to check your outlet and see if the wiring is correctly done. Ensuring that you have a properly working ground is essential when implementing the strategies discussed above.
Both the middle and outside right light need to be one and as bright as eachother. If the outer light is dim, the ground is loose and needs to be repaired by an electrician.

Outlet Timer Switch
These outlet switches can be useful for automatically switching off your Wi-Fi router at night. If not yet ready to switch fully to hardwired internet, turning off the router at night is a great way to help your body heal and rejuvinate. These can be adjusted to turn off and back on depending on your specific schedule.

RadiaFence RF Shield
You can add an RF shield to put between yourself and the phone as a way of significantly lowering the power of the RF bursts that are reaching you. Again, this method comes with a word of warning to ensure that the shield is always between the phone and yourself (think line of sight, if you can see the phone without the shield between you, then it’s not working).
Follow the link below and under EMF Shielding Products and then “Computer Shields”. Halfway down this page you’ll find the RadiaFence.
EMF Meters
Safe and Sound Pro 2
This meter measures the Radio Frequency, or wireless, power density in a given area. It is the best meter on the market as far as cost to capabilities ratio is concerned. It is a professional quality meter without a professional setup cost. It measures power densities up to 2,500,000 µW/m² and down to 0.001 µW/m², an incredible range. It also covers frequencies from 200 MHz all the way to 8 GHz. This will cover the majority of frequencies you’re exposed to, including the ones being used for most of the “5G” service right now. The Safe and Sound Pro 2’s accuracy of +/- 6dB, max hold option, sound capabilities, temperature compensation, and other features, make this my number one pick for RF meters.
Use the link below or enter ‘TheHealthierHome’ as your coupon code for a 5% discount sitewide at:

Safe and Sound Classic 2
The Safe and Sound Classic 2 is a RF meter, measuring the wireless frequency power density and at roughly half the price of the Safe and Sound Pro 2, it’s a fantastic option. This meter offers the same fast sampling rate, accuracy and frequency range as it’s bigger brother, however, you don’t get a specific readout of power density levels. Color coded LED’s show the exposure levels, corresponding to Building Biology Guidelines. No experience is necessary and it’s very easy to understand. Great for getting young ones involved!
Use the link below or enter ‘TheHealthierHome’ as your coupon code for a 5% discount sitewide at:
Body Voltage Test Kit
Building Biology utilizes the method of testing the AC voltage present on the body and uses this as an assessment of electric field exposure. This test kit, from Safe Living Technologies, gives you all the equipment needed to get started, all for an affordable price of around $150.
Measuring the body voltage which is present on you when you’re laying in your bed is an effective way to gain insight into your sleeping electric field exposure levels. Working to then lower these levels will help your body find deeper levels of rest of rejuvenation at night.
Use the link below or enter ‘TheHealthierHome’ as your coupon code for a 5% discount sitewide at:

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Ophora Water Systems
Ophora is a company based out of California which has developed incredibly robust systems of water purification. They offer systems ranging from pool /spa options, whole house systems, point of use devices, or glass-bottled water delivered right to your home.
Their systems offer the best option for taking any municipal or well water and cleansing it of chlorine, fluoride, pharmaceuticals, heavy metals, pesticides, nitrates and trace hormones. They are then able to deliver re-mineralized, oxygenated (up to 50 ppm), ionized, anti-oxidant water, with 80% less waste than standard RO (reverse osmosis) systems. They are custom built for your requirements and totally self-contained. Crated and shipped worldwide.

Swanwick Blue Light Blockers
To ensure you get a good night’s sleep, limiting the amount of artificial light after sundown is important. Blue light reduction is of particular importance because it tricks your body into thinking its midday (as this is the time of day when the sun is naturally highest in blue light). Sources of blue light in the home are screens and most LED bulbs. By limiting your blue light exposure 2-3 hours before bed you can better prime your body for sleep. Wearing orange, blue-blocking glasses is a simple and effective way to accomplish this. The team at Swanwick have done a great job in developing a range of options that you don’t need to break the bank to get. If needed, there’s an option to add your own prescription to a pair too.